A History:
Started as a blacksmith and carriage vehicle shop in the
year 1902, Stewart & Stevenson has established itself throughout a long
strived journey. The company, in its initial days, used to manufacture
carriages and wagons. Over a period of time, as the technology advanced, they
too diversified into various other genres of businesses. S&S entered into
automobile repair and modification business in 1920. In the decade of 1930, the
company started distributing GM's manufactured diesel engine. In the very next
decade, the company developed tugs, small tractors, and self propelled bomb
loaders for the Air Force of United States.
Eventually, they supplied
generators and several equipments to the US defense forces. In 1962, Stewart
& Stevenson stepped into manufacturing of airport ground support
equipments, by developing tow tractors. In this decennary of nineteen sixties,
they produced a diverse range of GSEs, including frac trucks, gas turbine craft
engines, Land Leveler vehicle, etc.
The company also extended its business to Venezuela in 1975,
by joining hands with GM, the General Motors. In 1987, the collaborated with
Mercedes Benz, and started making Star Ship transit buses. In nineties, they
developed rail cargo mover equipment, which they supplied to various rail
corporations of the world. In the same decade, they also supplied several
trucks to the US army. In their century old journey, they also acquired a
number of other companies, like: PAMCO, Foley Valves, etc. Later on, they sold
their Gas Turbine division to GE, and started focusing on Tug aircraft GSE
In their over a century long voyage, their cherished and
served the nation, with full dedication and devotion. Over this period of time,
they have successfully established themselves as one of the most trusted
suppliers and manufacturers of airport ground support equipments.
Stewart & Stevenson Ground Support Equipments:
Today, S&S is supplying ground support equipments to
various aircraft manufacturers and airlines. Their apparatuses are considered
as best in the industry, as they engineer their products using the knowledge and
expertise of their talents.
Quality of GSEs offered by Stewart & Stevenson :
The quality presented by the company is referred as to the
most reliable. It is the quality of their equipments and technology that US
army and defense forces have awarded them with several brooches. The company
keeps its focus on making the best of availability. They focus on attaining
success with their business ethics and excellence.